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Vash is an extra special little boy (just 9 years of age) who searched for a charity organisation to help as he wanted to donate his time to do something for others.

We are so privilaged to have such a keen and enthusiastic young man on our team. This his a video of his mother telling him that he had been accepted onto the Team Hullabaloobell to volunteer at the Frozen Charity Event last year...




"Vash and I spend lot of time discussing about various topics as a way of creating opportunities for him to develop his critical-thinking and moral reasoning. A lot of it surrounds the topic of Compassion so that's how we got into our discussion about Charity work. Vash is very passionate about helping others and he has a piggy bank where he saves up money which he then donates to a charity of his choice. He often puts pressure on me to donate money too. That's when I advise...d him that although all what he is doing is great but sometimes what people really need is beyond what can be helped through money - it is our time and presence they need. That would be the best way to be there for people in need. Then he said he would like to do something like that, asked me if there was an opportunity for him to help directly e.g. working for a charity organisation. We then started doing our research together and agreed that Hullaballoobell would be the perfect place as 100% of the fundraising went towards the cause. I contacted Rebekah when he was in school, shared his passion with her and she agreed that he could start working for the organisation. Here is when I share the happy news as a surprise with him " Vash's mum

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